5 Tips for Buying Knotty Pine Paneling

Knotty pine paneling is a versatile product that can be used for walls, ceilings, kitchen islands, beverage bars, closet linings, bookcases, and much more. You will not find the best quality at your local DIY store or lumber yard. We will show you where to shop at the end.

To achieve the best results, you should purchase paneling made with the tongue and groove plus end-matching design. It provides advantages you will not find with conventional paneling. It is easy and fast to install and is virtually a ‘no waste’ product. You will also enjoy:


  • Installing the paneling without showing nail or screw heads
  • Less measuring and sawing the boards
  • Kiln-dried and hand-inspected panels from the best suppliers
  • Purchasing the optional pre-finished paneling
  • Ordering online from superior dealers

You will find the following tips for buying knotty pine paneling quite useful.

Tongue and Groove (T&G) Construction/End-Matching

If you have ever installed conventional plank paneling, you know two pieces must be end-butted (spliced) on wall framing and the nail or screw heads will show. This approach does not make the strongest joints and requires a lot of sawing to finish a wall or ceiling.

Panels made with the tongue and groove/end-matching design fit snugly together on both the sides and ends of all pieces. The tongues and grooves are cut to precise dimensions to allow tight connections. The end-matching design allows you to end-butt two pieces anywhere between the wall framing. We suggest you purchase your knotty pine paneling that is made this way. The tongues and grooves help keep the panels lying flat because they do not warp, bow, or cup over time. The result is a beautifully installed job that everyone will admire. Learn more about finishing your knotty pine paneling.

Kiln-Dried Wood Is Preferred

There are two common methods to dry pine wood. One is air drying and the other preferred way is kiln-drying. Air drying takes a long time to accomplish its purpose. Without monitoring it closely, some of the wood can warp, bow, cup, or crack making it undesirable.

Kiln-drying pine wood for paneling is a superior approach because a consistent flow of warm air is passed over the wood in a controlled atmosphere. The result provides these benefits:


  • Dimensionally stable boards
  • The correct moisture content
  • Perfect for staining and finishing
  • Resistant to fungal decay
  • Kills insects, eggs, larvae, bugs, and mold
  • The wood’s life is lengthened

You should purchase kiln-dried paneling with 6% - 8% moisture content for the best results.

“Knotty pine paneling is a versatile product that can be used for walls, ceilings, kitchen islands, beverage bars, closet linings, bookcases, and much more.”

Hand-Inspected Knotty Pine Paneling

If you have ever bought wood such as paneling in home improvement stores or lumber yards, you notice an immediate problem – a lot of undesirable pieces in the pile. The wood’s drying process was probably rushed to earn quicker profits and the paneling was not hand-inspected.

Hand-inspecting wood is somewhat time-consuming but with the skills of an expert, it goes faster than you might think. The best mills hand-inspect all their wood products so you get what you expect both in quality and price. This means no warped, bowed, cupped, or cracked pieces of paneling. You should purchase hand-inspected paneling so you won’t waste time looking through the pile for good pieces.

Determine the Sizes for Your Project

Another tip is to select the right widths and thicknesses of paneling that are best for your projects. Some people do not realize a variety of these features are available. Do not buy thin paneling because it is not strong enough. Do not buy extra thick panels because they are not necessary and a waste of money.

The best dimensions for knotty pine paneling for walls, ceilings, and general projects are:

  • ¾” thickness is just right
  • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8 unfinished
  • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8 clear-coat pre-finished
  • 1x6 only with stain and clear coat pre-finished
  • The lengths can vary because panels are end-matched

Now, we can talk about where to find great quality and prices for your knotty pine paneling.

Buy Knotty Pine Paneling Online and Save

You may not be aware that the best combination of the highest quality paneling and fair prices is found online. The Log Home Shoppe can supply all your paneling needs that meet the qualifications we have discussed.

You will also need quality trims and baseboards for wall paneling and trims for ceilings. Whether you choose unfinished or pre-finished paneling, you cannot go wrong with knotty pine for log or conventional homes.

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