3x6 Cedar Log Siding

3x6 Cedar Log Siding

If your scheduled delivery appointment is two days after the shipment arrives at the nearest hub and you do not keep your scheduled delivery appointment, you will be liable for payment of any storage fees charged by the freight company. Those fees are generally assessed starting the third day the shipment is in the facility.

In stock
Cedar Half Log Siding, one of our most classy log siding styles, for those who want a true log home without the full log price. Visit below for more details of packaging sizes and square foot coverage of our half log siding.


If your scheduled delivery appointment is two days after the shipment arrives at the nearest hub and you do not keep your scheduled delivery appointment, you will be liable for payment of any storage fees charged by the freight company. Those fees are generally assessed starting the third day the shipment is in the facility.


Cedar Log Siding, where each piece has tongue-n-groove on the ends as well as the top & bottom. There's no unsightly face nailing needed like in typical lumberyard lap log siding installations. This is a premium product that's been defected of all loose knots, cracks and warped boards. It's literally a "No-Waste" product.
The Premier Log Sidings offer an even deeper profile than the standard half log profiles (see profile sheets below for more info)

3x10 Hand-Hewn Siding w/8"Dia. Vertical Log Corners & 4 x 4 D Trim Hand-Hewn
(pictured above)

Cedar Half Log Siding - are available in hand-hewn (above) or smooth texture. Please allow an additional 2 weeks for the hand-hewn surface. The majority of the siding pieces are 8 foot long with a random assortment of shorter pieces mixed in and all have our unique end-matched tongue & groove system for a no-waste installation. All half log sidings have coordinating 4 x 4 "D" Trim for trimming around windows & doors as well as our standard 6" diameter log vertical corner or our premium 8" diameter log vertical corner for exterior corners. 4 x 4 inside corners are available to meet your project's inside corner needs. We also offer some unique wooden boxes for the use of trimming out your electrical boxes and light fixtures.

Sold here in 36 square foot packages (see chart below for actual coverages) and in Pine or Cedar
The packages sold here on this website are broken down in size for internet sales only and are equivalent to 1/8th of our full stocking unit size.

Actual Sq. Ft. Coverages per package
  3x6 package
 - covers 38 sq.ft.(88 LF - lineal feet)
  3x8 package - covers 36.8 sq.ft.(64 LF - lineal feet)
  3x10 package - covers 35.4 sq.ft.(48 LF - lineal feet)

Shipping Info is in the above Tab "Shipping Information"

View our quick tip installation videos below
As with all our log siding applications caulking is only necessary around window and door trim, around electrical boxes and where your log siding butts into your corners. No caulking is needed at the tongue-n-groove joints!

Log Siding Installation Vertical Corner Trim Installation


Window & Door Trim Installation


Clickable information sheets below

We've got many profiles in log siding and many custom corner options. Check out our informational website for further details (click here)


Still have questions?
Call us at 800-818-9971

Not sure yet?
Try our Sample Log Home Kit to hold a sample in your hands (Click Here)

Enjoy your Log Siding!

Now you can also buy log electrical boxes here!

If your scheduled delivery appointment is two days after the shipment arrives at the nearest hub and you do not keep your scheduled delivery appointment, you will be liable for payment of any storage fees charged by the freight company. Those fees are generally assessed starting the third day the shipment is in the facility.

Shipping Details

is provided by Fed-Ex Freightways. Our company ships large quantities daily with each carrier and our shipping discounts are passed on to you the customer! For orders in excess of 1500 sq. ft., we have our own delivery service that may be the more economical choice. Please call for more info and a detailed pricing quote. (800-818-9971)

Each order
that is shipped by Fed-Ex takes about 2 weeks to have your log siding pulled, packaged & then shipped. Hand hewn surface requires an additional 2 weeks. Due to Covid-19 Shutdowns, there may be extended delivery times of an additional 4-6 weeks on some sizes. You will be provided with a tracking number at shipment so that you can get an idea of when your shipment will be arriving.

How will my order arrive?
Freight Shipments are delivered by small enclosed semi-trucks to the end of your driveway at roadside. If your street/driveway is winding through the woods, not snow plowed or is inaccessible for the freight truck, your delivery might be to the nearest point of access. You can also set up off-loading with a local lumber yard in some cases. Another option is to pick your package(s) up at the local Fed-Ex Terminal by pick-up truck or trailer.

You must be able to off-load the material in a timely manner and would require that you have adequate/able bodies on-hand (2-3) to hand unload if a fork lift was not available at your delivery location. There are no lift gates available on these trucks. The drivers have many other destinations, so your cooperation is very helpful.

Each driver is aware of the packages and the condition of each as you off-load. In the unlikely event that you notice any apparent damage, have the damages noted on the delivery receipt by the Driver before you sign and call The Log Home Shoppe/The Woodworkers Shoppe immediately to have your replacements sent out and to have the claim processed. You must contact us within 10 days of receipt of the damaged materials.

Package sizes
The 36 square foot packages weigh approximately 190 lbs. each and are 9' long. Packages over the 36 sq. ft. will still be 9' long, but will be larger and the width will never exceed 48". So all packages will fit into the back of a standard pick-up truck with room between the wheel wells. A full unit of (8) 36 sq. ft. quantities would weigh between 1600-1800 lbs. and would measure approximately 9' long x 48" wide x 32-36" high.

Color 005 Natural Oak
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